Why choose Ravetree over Workfront?.

If you need a platform that has powerful features for project managers and is easy to use for everyone else, then you've come to the right place. Our beautiful interface will allow your entire team to easily find what they're looking for and get work done quickly.

Ravetree vs Workfront

How we compare.

Unlimited Client Access
Budget Tracking
Advanced Project Templates
Text Message Notifications
Expense Tracking
Recurring Tasks
Unlimited File Storage
Unlimited Custom Fields
Recover Deleted Data
Free On-Boarding & Setup
Saved Filters
All Dependency Types
Invoices & Estimates
Easy to use
Time off requests
Estimated vs Actual
Advanced Permission Roles

Common Workfront Complaints.

Steep learning curve

Teams resist adoption due to confusing interface

Very expensive

High cost onboarding and setup fees

Not suitable for smaller teams

Very lengthy onboarding process

Lackluster time tracking capabilities

Clunky user interface

Inability to edit comments

Not suitable for highly collaborative teams

Poor customer service


We're here to help.

We take a customer-first approach. Our #1 priority is ensuring that you are successful on Ravetree!

Our world class support team is ready to help.